A thorn amongst the roses ( Debbie on the left and Lorain on the Right with Tony in the middle hanging on to his E-Tsotsi for dear life)
With a busy MGA calendar this year and many a weekend busy in the workshop or blown out by the wind I have neglected to go and fly with local BERG lads at the berg field.
Saturday afternoon and night brought this seasons first thunderstorms and rain and on Sunday morning the sky dawned slightly overcast but clear after the rain. More important the wind look calm. My first thought was that at last it look like a good thermal day and so it turn out. Clam in the morning and a little more windy in the afternoon.
But even more important was to see that we had a good turn out with Tony his daughter Debbie, Tony son in-law, Garth, Mark, Jason, Johan and his girlfriend Lorrain and a Group of 4 visitors that stayed until I was the last one to pack up at 3.45 PM. Even better was the fact that both Debbie and Lorrain had a turn to fly Tony’s Tsotsi and after 3 flights Lorain mastered the rudder control and with me controlling the elevator, she managed two straight in to wind (with the wings level) landings and afterwards Johan told me that club has just gain another BERG member.
From Left to right Lorain, Johan and Tony and Jason in back ground left.
Flying his trusted electric Jason was also having a good time and we hope to see him a round more often.
Jason (long time no see)
I flew my Ellipse gliders and a proud Mark DeKlerk his first home build balsa and foam wing home build glider that flew really well but unfortunately crashed on his last flight after the horisonal tall plane hit his hand on the winch take of and made a half roll before in went in inverted. The wing was intact but the fuselage and tail had some damage but I am sure that Mark will be back again.
Anway it was nice to fly themal again and can only hope that we will start having more flying day's like we had on Sunday.
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