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Thursday, December 18, 2008

Ticking Along

the record month so far was October with 3400 hits and we see this normally after a big event
such as the Sungazer (previous record) and P.S.S. Fest in September.
At this stage our viewers are slightly more international than local and many return again and again.
Very popular postings include The PSS/SUNGAZER slope events , build thread on the Jarts, and big DG 500 Wing joiner construction, Charls Speed Astir rebuild, Piets Rockwell Aerocommander, and the CMPRO
Discus and DG1000 model gliders.
We get very little feed back about our content , but assume with our growing viewer base that ,
our content is of interest to modellers in general and glider pilots in particular.
A special thanks to all our contributors and the variety of topics they cover.
On behalf of the B.E.R.G. Blog team we wish you and your family a safe and Merry Christmas,
for the Festive season and a happy new year.
Best wishes
Mike May

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Summer Sloping

A group of us went down to Volksies over the weekend to, amongst other things, fly some PSS planes.

Below left, Norbert flying his PSS Tigershark close in for some photos. Izak capturing the action.

Saturday we had excellent conditions and everyone had a ball flying. I decided to maiden my A10 Warthog which flew extremely well and is real easy to fly, probably due to the thick wing and huge control surfaces.

On the slope were the usual BERG/ETB slope die-hards as well as some other guys from the Northcliff area. They fly predominantly electrics but had some gliders as well.

As usual the social side makes these outings special and the evening braai is always a buzz of discussion about the days flying action.

Peter Karner needed to complete a new tailplane for his Astir CS. No problem, bring the building board with and he completed it in the camp.

The Astir CS ready to fly, Peter had an excellent flight on the sunday when the conditions were perfect for the bigger birds. 25/35kph on the northwest slope with good thermals in between.

Peter Moore joined us on Sunday flying his ASW28. Norbert Flew his DG600, Peter Karner his Astir CS and myself with the Diana 2 and Ventus 2ax, all having good flights.

Ventus on a flyby having sorted out the tailplane incidence a far better plane as far as launching and flying. I sat in my chair and flew from thermal to thermal for an hour with plenty of birds joining us in the lift, storks, eagles, hawks and swallows often marking the thermals. Can't really wait until we go again. ok

Sunday, December 14, 2008

For a good cause

Just a short note of thanks to all the HTL contestants that contributed directly and indirectly last Sunday from all the kids at The Cedar Children's Village.

If you are interested in more information on activities at the Village and more details on each of the kids, then you can link to last Che's last newsletter to friends here.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

HTL Final Heidelberg

Down the flight line from the BERG camp with scenic Heidelberg mountains in the backgroundSaturday evening sundowner view from the farm stoepThe final contest of the Highveld Thermal League was flown at Che’s Farm in Heidelberg on Sunday – and what a grand event it was. Martie and I travelled down on the Saturday afternoon and met up with the Durban guys Dave, Dennis and Allan at the farm.

Ricky Mitchell, first time CD for us, did a stirling job of keeping the contest running smoothlyWe had a great relaxing sundowner and braai on the farm before seeing the guys over to my dad’s house for the night and then hitting the hay early. Night sounds on the farm are so different to our suburban environment and between the wind noises in the high trees, peacock and guineafowl calls and other creepy animal activity noises, sleep did not come easy. Anyway, we were up at five on Sunday morning and began preparing for the big day.

Every Thermal Busted team in action in their blue uniformsFirst, a walk down to the field to check wind direction and find a good spot for the flight line. Perfect wind strength and direction so headed back to get the braai equipment and help Martie pack the catering stuff. I managed to get the new gazebo up just before Lionel and Evan arrived. Lionel marked out the flight line and shortly afterwards the contestants started streaming in. Between greetings everyone started setting up their own camps. F3J winch spacing was used so the teams were well spread out. Notable were the “Every Thermal Busted” team sporting their smurf blue outfits and a lot of new and very welcome faces in the Jailbirds and Flying Fish teams way down at the end of the flight line. The BERG camp was set up right next to the catering tent and our Bold Evans Regular Group team consisted of Evan, Piet, Peter and me. We were short of two men to make up a second team so Tony and Jochen were slotted in with Gert and Rudolph of the Far ‘n Wide team.

Blast from the Past Team: Anton launching his Supra and Trevor timingBERG Team: Evan launching Peter's Tsotsie
Prepatation Piet (also known as Sparky) getting ready for his flightSilverton Eagles: Chris launching for Conrad, Johan timing

Pilot’s briefing was called, the traditional saw-tooth scoring system explained, frequencies checked and flying started at around ten - a little later than scheduled but we were there to enjoy ourselves and we had all day. Contest Director for the day was Ricky Mitchell.

Group photo: All the pilots, their helpers and some family members. Oops - no modelsBy mid morning it looked like we would probably get rain some time through the day but the rain gods were indeed kind to us. Thermal activity was perfect for gliding with well defined cumulus clouds building quickly and cycling through regularly. Temperature and humidity was high and the lift was strong. Very often after locating your thermal you could easily encounter two or three more during the ten minute flight.

There’s something very special about our summer cloud formations here on the Highveld – even more special with a graceful glider silhouette against them. And we even had a flock of storks pass through, stopping to thermal with us for a short while before moving on their way again.

Chris flying, Conrad timingWolfgang checking out the air during preparation timeZulu Warriors Allan flying, Dave timingPaul timing and helping JasonFlock of storks passing overhead

During the round before lunch the wind swung 180 degrees but lift was still good and the lower launches didn’t seem to affect the scores. Winches were moved just before the lunch break.

Team Far 'n Wide in discussion: Jochen about to fly, Rudolph and Tony standing byMartie provided braai packs and salads for lunch and the “braai yourself” concept made for a great social lunch. When flying did get going again, some of the smaller cumulus clouds had dispersed into a thin cloud layer and the larger ones were quickly developing into storms. The storm clouds eventually surrounded us but fortunately none passed directly overhead. This did make for some challenging flying, with some contestants not making the full ten minutes in the last rounds (hopefully at least landing on their even minutes) and some getting so high against the black undersides of the clouds that they were difficult to see.

Allan and Peter from the Zulu Warriors preparing for the roundThe Zulu Warriors: Dennis launching for Allen, Dave looking on
Easy precision landing by Allan of the Jailbirds team ...... and a little more action packed approach from Rodney of the 3G+T team
Michelle on landing approach with more great Heidelberg scenery in the background
Craig and Lionel very relaxed - Lionel obviously comfortable in his thermalIt was great to have team positions announced after almost every round through the contest and also great to have a bit of social time after the contest before the final results were announced. The only model seriously damaged was Rudolph’s 2-meter model that folded it’s wings on launch. Alan Sneedon’s model had to be retired early due to a jammed servo and he and Dave shared a model for the rest of the contest. Both Jochen and Peter also had servo problems but I think both
Another beautiful sunset after packing up (and hey, if Izak can do flowers on the ETB blog, then I can do sunsets here!)managed to sort them out.
Craig managed to keep his eyes on his own model for the entire event and even though there were more than enough trees about, Rodney managed to avoid them all - although he really got people moving around quickly in the landing circle.

Our Bold Evan’s team managed a 6th place with the Far ‘n Wide team 7th. Check out the MGA Blog for Lionel's report and full team and individual result listings.

Well, it looks like that’s all for the 2008 HTL series, hoping everyone enjoyed the events and here’s looking forward to an even better 2009 HTL series. Next BERG event is the year end fly in - keep an eye on the the blog for details.