These guys really have fun and its a non competetive gathering , funny I was struck by a "younger guy" who was teaching his young daughter to fly on one of these old planes with a buddy box, these designs probably even predated the Dad as well.
Nice to see our aero modelling "heritage" being passed on.
A growing trend is to fit these rudder / elevator planes with modern electric motors for fuss free silent flying, a real mix of old and new technology.
I love the traditional construction not an ARF or piece of composite construction anywhere to be seen .

Without a doubt my favourite was this "Playboy " design with the eliptical wings and pylon mounted wing.
Some of the others like the Quacker Flash (below)is also a name I can remember my dad talking about in his modeling days .

The powerhouse shown below is the one I am currently contemplating building as I have the plans and at this stage three motor options 4-stroke , diesel and electric.....maybe the Dark Side has really got me, as the electric option is top of the list.

This is a blog about gliding so I will also show a picture of Ken's Ka6e being aero towed which these guys now have as their favourite method of launching gliders.
The Jomac gliding group is really dedicated and can certainly teach us all a thing about this technique. They tow lightish gliders up to about 4 mtrs with their if only they had a BIG REALLY BIG TUG.

Cheers for now
and you thought I only flew gliders .
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