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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

BERG BLOG counter hits 45,000 and E-Tsotsi takes to the Sky.

On Sunday my E-Tsotsi had its maiden flight in perfect weather, and as a bonus the flight lasted 45min and I used about half of the 2000mh battery capacity.

I hand launched the E-Tsotsi (just to confirm the glide trim settings and CG) and on the second launch opened the throttle and she just climb up vertically just like Tony’s Tsostsi and within seconds was at twice the normal winch launch height.
At this early stage of the morning (around 9.45 AM ) the lift was only starting to developed and I only got into good lift after the 3rd motor run. Then I settle down in my camping chair and at times had to dive it down as the lift got stronger.

Once the motor was cut it flew and thermal like a normal Tsotsi and the only improvement that I can make now is to move the CG slightly back as for the first flights I prefer a forward CG.

Unfortunately on the second flight I had some RX lock-out trouble (PCM - Positive Crash Mode) and the Tsotsi sustained some minor damage on the fuse and wing. But I have already repaired it and it is once more ready to fly.
As I did this post this morning saw the blog statistic counter roll over to 45,000 hits and once again a big thank you to all our contributors and blog readers.

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